
It's delicious meat that you can trust and eat. Lambgoat

Lambgoat is a brand of Hyunjun, whose main products are goat and lamb, from Australia,
a world-class clean country Only selected products are selected and distributed,
and according to Australia's strict and clean production system We import the produced goat directly to provide only the best quality.

No.1 Fresh Australian Meat

You can enjoy the best quality of delicious meat to match the name of No.1 Clean Australian Goat and Lamb.
Through a partnership with WME, Australia's leading exporter of goat and lamb,
we supply the best meat at a reasonable price Yes, I, We are working hard to make it accessible to many consumers.

  • The best meat

    With a hygienic and systematic
    management system We provide the best meat.

  • Reasonable price

    Through close partnerships with Australian
    exporters We offer more affordable prices.

  • Proven Brands

    Lambgoat is the first person in the domestic market
    for imported from Australia It has a majority. *Based on customs clearance by the Korea Customs Service in September 2022

Lambgoat is 100% Australian-made It's specialized.

Lambgoat's partner, Western Meat Exporters
It is a brand specializing in goats and sheep that has many difficult certifications in Australia.

Korea's largest imported
goat and sheep distribution brand

It is the largest imported goat and sheep distribution brand in Korea, from Australia,
a world-class clean country Only the best quality product is selected, imported, and distributed.

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